Refferal Feedback Form

You are seeing this feedback form becuse your colleague has applied to TUSCERT DENETİM GÖZETİM VE BELGELENDİRME HİZMETLERİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. This form is used to collect feedback for your colleague that will workin TUSCERT in the future. We kindly ask you to give feedback about the person, this feedback will be used to collect more data and not shared with third parties.

Name and Surname
Please add your name and surname
Please add your email adress
Please add your mobile contact number
Please add the company you have worked with referenced person.
Please add how many years do you have worked with refferenced person.
Unethical behaviour can be, bribery, threatening, abuse, lying, badmouthing colleagues, harresment and so on.
Pelase give some feedback about his/her previous proficiency during working with you.
Please rate 1 - 10. 10 is highest.

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